In order to manage economically and sustainably, it is important for the farmer to regularly monitor the nutrient balance in the soil as well as to perform soil agrochemical research (SAI). This allows you to plan more precisely the nutrient supply you need. SAI is an agronomically important prerequisite for healthy plants and high yields. The results of the SAI should be taken into account when selecting the crop to be cultivated and planning the use of fertilizers.
Already in 2019 the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 1056 “Requirements for Integrated Cultivation, Storage and Labelling of Agricultural Products and the Procedures for Control Thereof” has come into force. The requirement included in Regulation on soil agrochemical research or soil agrochemical analysis require to be fulfilled by each of integrated grower of agricultural products, but due to lack of financial resources, it is not always possible to be carried out on the entire area at once.
For this reason, growers, who are not yet registered in the “Integrated Growing of Agricultural products” register and who do not manage agricultural land in a particularly sensitive area, should carry out agrochemical research on the soil annually to at least 15% of the area managed. This will fulfill the requirement for performing SAI or soil agrochemical analyzes for not less than 60% of the area managed by 31 December 2019, also the requirement, that maps will not be older than 7 years.
So by 31 December 2018, the grower had to have soil survey of not less than 45% of the area managed, so that by 31 December 2019, it would be carried out on not less than 60% of the managed area, until 31 December 2020 – not less than 75% of the managed area, until 31 December 2021 not less than 90%, thereby, until 31 December 2022, research consonant to Regulation requirement, should be carried out in the whole area managed.
Source: The Ministry of Agriculture