For Growth on the Earth

Support of insurance of animals, sown area and plantations

Application submission until 1st of December 2019

Eligible activities
Compensatory payment to farmers on the basis of the insurance policy submitted for insurance of crop, plant and animal insures and documents certifying payment thereof.

Support intensity 
Aid is granted at 70% of the cost of the insurance policy.


Eligible activities
Alternative support can be obtained from the producer of primary agricultural products, which has insured productive livestock against the risk factors for which there is no support in the “Support for the insurance of animals, sown area and plantations” activity.
Support intensity 
Aid is granted at 50% of the cost of the insurance policy.

Documents for submission:
•    application;
•    a copy of the insurance policy, indicating the insured risks;
•    copies of documents certifying payment of insurance;
•    a record of received de minimis aid.

Insurance is provided by insurance companies and risk management companies specialized in agricultural risks.

You are welcome to contact our office for more detailed information.;
Phone: (+371) 64107185

Source: Rural Support Service