For Growth on the Earth

Support to help entrepreneurs promote agricultural and food export

On Tuesday, March 7, the government approved the amendments prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture to the Cabinet of Ministers’ regulations of December 17, 2013 no. 1524 “Rules on state support for agriculture”.

The purpose of the amendments is to distribute the basic funding of the state budget for 2023 in the amount of EUR 8 720 490 for the development of animal husbandry and crop cultivation, international and mutual cooperation, market promotion, food quality schemes (promotion), improvement of professional education programs in the agricultural sector and the implementation of support
measures initiated in the previous year for financing.

Several support measures have been removed from the regulations, which will be financed from other funding sources in the future: support for participation in food quality schemes and support for the beekeeping industry will be financed from the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023-2027 funding, but support for the deer breeding industry, support for breeding and support for the preservation of local endangered breeds will be financed from additional state support.

Thus, it was possible to increase funding in other support measures in 2023. Compared to 2022, the support for the measure “Collection, transportation, processing and disposal of animal corpses” and market promotion increased the most. For comparison, in 2022, funding for the collection, transportation, processing and disposal of animal corpses was EUR 1,273 440 million, while in 2023 EUR 1,873 440 million.

In 2022, EUR 403 033 were allocated for market promotion, in 2023 – EUR 905 033, which is EUR 500 000 more. The increase in support will help entrepreneurs promote the export of Latvian agricultural and food products.

Support for “Collection, transportation, processing and disposal of animal corpses” has been increased, because the increase in fuel and electricity prices for the providers of the mentioned service has significantly increased the cost of the service. The increase in funding will ensure the availability of the mentioned service for animal breeders. The deadline for applicants for support to submit applications to the Rural Support Service is March 31, except for the market promotion event, where applications could be submitted until March 15.

Information source: Ministry of Agriculture