For Growth on the Earth

Increased support rate in agri-environmental measures for organic farmers and grassland habitat managers

On December 10, Latvian government approved amendments to the regulations governing support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for implementing area and animal-based commitments. These amendments increase the 2024 support rates for organic farmers in two agri-environmental measures – LA10.4 and LA11 – as well as for all those managing biologically valuable grasslands under measure LA10.5.

With the rate increase*, farmers who implemented interventions LA10.4, LA10.5, and LA11 in 2024 will have their support recalculated. As a result, the total support amount they receive will be higher than initially planned in the spring.

Since the Rural Support Service has already started distributing EAFRD payments for area- and animal-based support, the support rates for farmers’ 2024 spatial applications will be recalculated by the end of December. This recalculation will include the increased rates and other additional adjustments.

The decision of the European Commission approving amendments to Latvia’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan for 2024.

Information source: Ministry of Agriculture

Amendments to the Strategic Plan of the Latvian CAP 2023-2027 approved by the EC simplify the application of support payments to farmers

On November 12, the European Commission (EC) approved the Second Amendment to the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy of Latvia (CAP SP) for 2023-2027 developed by the Ministry of Agriculture. The main changes concern the application of direct payments and rural development interventions, simplifying conditions and avoiding excessive detailing of requirements.

The CAP SP revises a number of provisions of good Agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC) standards, specifying them for the protection of wetlands and peatlands, the establishment of buffer strips along water bodies and plant changes. Simplified conditions for the grant of multi-ecoscheme support in order to reduce the administrative burden on farmers by avoiding excessive detailing of CAP SP requirements. The conditions for a system of social conditions relating to working and employment conditions or to the obligations of the employer have been laid down. Changes to direct payment measures (interventions) will apply from 2025 onwards.

The CAP SP also specifies the conditions for a number of rural development measures. For more information on the amendments approved by the EC, visit website of the Ministry of Agriculture.

For the implementation of the CAP SP, EUR 2.5 billion is foreseen for 2023-2027, with the largest part of the funding, or EUR 1.714 billion, in the form of direct payments. EUR 0.791 billion is foreseen for rural development measures and EUR 10.1 million for support measures for the common organisation of the market.

Amendments to the CAP Strategic Plan were prepared by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with industry, organising several CAP expert working groups in the first quarter of 2024. At the meetings, experts discussed and agreed on the necessary amendments together with farmers’ and environmental non-governmental organisations. The amendments to the CAP SP on 14 May 2024 were also agreed with the monitoring Committee of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

The Latvian CAP SP is a medium-term policy planning document that defines support priorities and support instruments for agriculture and also rural development. After the first year of implementation of CAP support, it was concluded that changes to a number of support measures were needed to reduce the level of detailing of conditions in the CAP SP and the administrative burden on farmers and to increase the interest of farmers in applying for a wider range of support.

Information source: Ministry of Agriculture

ActusQ Newsletter October 2024

ActusQ October newsletter about current topicalities in European and Latvian agricultural sector has been published! At the end of the newsletter you will find selected agricultural real estate offers.

ActusQ Newsletter August 2024

ActusQ August newsletter about current topicalities in European and Latvian agricultural sector has been published! At the end of the newsletter you will find selected agricultural real estate offers.

Latvia among European Union leaders in direct payment disbursement

In Latvia, 99% of direct payments for 2023 have already been disbursed to farmers, making Latvia one of the leaders in the European Union (EU) in direct payments disbursement.

The Director of the Rural Support Service, Ģirts Krūmiņš, stated: “Thanks to the Electronic Application System introduced many years ago and the consultations provided by the Rural Support Service both online and in person, we have managed to disburse 99 percent of direct payments for the 2023 farming season to Latvian farmers by the end of May. This is a very good indicator at the EU level. The remaining one percent of direct payments will be disbursed in June.”

Austria and Sweden hold the leading positions with 100% direct payment disbursement. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia follow with 99%. So far, the slowest disbursements of direct payments have occurred in Bulgaria (66%), Slovenia (71%), Luxembourg (73%), the Netherlands (73%), Croatia (73%), and Slovakia (74%).

Published: 06.06.2024.
Information source: Ministry of Agriculture

ActusQ Newsletter May 2024

ActusQ May newsletter about current topicalities in Latvian agricultural sector has been published! At the end of the newsletter you will find selected agricultural real estate offers.

ActusQ Newsletter April 2024

ActusQ April newsletter about current topicalities in Latvian agricultural sector has been published! At the end of the newsletter you will find selected agricultural real estate offers.

State support for the agricultural sector in 2024

8.72 million euros are planned for state aid in agriculture in 2024.

Animal breeders’ organizations, accredited milk laboratories, farmers’ organizations and other institutions receive support. Application deadlines are different for each type of support, current information about the deadlines will be published on the website of the Rural Support Service.

Estimated distribution of funding:

  • for the development of animal husbandry – 6.079 million euros;
  • for crop cultivation development – 489 thousand euros;
  • for international and mutual cooperation – 731 thousand euros;
  • for market promotion – 696 thousand euros;
  • for the promotion of food quality schemes – 127 thousand euros.

More information about state support can be found on the website of the Rural Support Service in the “State support” section.

Source of information: Rural Support Service

The priority of agricultural industries – to produce products of higher value for the local market and for export

To develop agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors based on knowledge and sustainability in order to produce products of higher value for the local market and for export and to promote the availability of safe and high-quality food – this is the main goal set in the government action plan of the Ministry of Agriculture (MofA), which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday, January 16.

Minister of Agriculture Armands Krauze: “One of the main goals of the Ministry of Agriculture is measures to increase the sales of agricultural and food products, to increase the production and consumption of local products in the local market and export, in this regard, promoting the development of healthy eating habits for children already in childhood, promoting the use of fresh and healthy local products in the daily diet in educational institutions.”

In order for agricultural production sectors (agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food production) to continuously modernize along with the growth of technology and to be able to adapt without delay to changes in market demand, according to the government’s action plan, the Ministry of Agriculture will strengthen science-based modern, accessible and future-oriented lifelong learning, secondary professional and higher education in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food production.

It is no less important to finally introduce a fair compensation system for restrictions on economic activity, which has been revised and created with an efficient and sustainable management model of natural resources related to agriculture and forestry.

In the future, the Ministry of Agriculture will also pay great attention to reducing the administrative burden on entrepreneurs and citizens by making structural changes in the Ministry of Agriculture and subordinate institutions.

Information source: Ministry of Agriculture

Support measures for agricultural producers to prevent the consequences of a devastating storm

Taking into account the consequences of the storm of August 7, 2023, which caused significant damage to agricultural production and processing, as well as the need to repair the damage caused to production buildings or structures in the shortest possible time, the Ministry of Agriculture (ZM) has decided to immediately announce the submission of projects for the “Investments in tangible assets” measure in the sub-measures “Support for investments in agricultural farms” and “Support for investments in processing” for the renovation of production buildings and structures of agricultural production or agricultural processing enterprises.

Applicants can submit project submissions until December 1, 2023, and after submitting the projects, the Rural Support Service (RSS) will immediately evaluate the projects and grant support. Within the scope of the projects, expenses for the renovation of buildings or structures of agricultural production or processing of agricultural products or the purchase of necessary building materials are eligible. In order to receive support, the applicant must submit supporting information that proves weather damage on August 7, 2023.

Since this investment support is for the damage caused by the storm, the project will not require investment in economic activity indicators and goals. For this financing can apply agricultural producers who have registered as performers of economic activity and who have had income from agricultural activity or processing of agricultural products. The planned funding for the event is three million euros, but if the reserved funding exceeds 80% of the available funding, a proportional reduction will be applied to the applications.

In addition to supporting farmers, the European Commission’s emergency funding for EU farmers was granted by the regulation of 14 July 2023 on EU emergency support for agricultural sectors due to economic and climatic conditions. The EU emergency aid granted to Latvia is EUR 6.8 million with the possibility of granting additional state aid, which does not exceed 200% of the granted amount.

The Ministry of Agriculture has prepared an informative report in which it will call on the government to grant state co-financing in the amount of 200% – the informative report is planned to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for consideration in the near future. The conditions for granting support should be determined by the member states themselves, based on objective criteria and taking into account the economic losses incurred by farmers. Aid must be granted in such a way as not to create distortions of the market or competition. In order to prevent the risk of overcompensation, Member States should take into account other state or EU aid granted to prevent these economic losses when granting aid. The emergency aid must be paid by January 31, 2024.

In the informative report “On the critical situation in the agricultural sector, which affects the economic viability of agricultural producers and the possible solutions for mitigating the negative impact”, the government will be informed about the critical situation that has developed in the agricultural sector in connection with a set of several unfavorable conditions – the high prices of resources and raw materials important for production at the same time as the decrease in purchase prices of products (milk, beef and cereals), the drought and frost in the spring of 2023, as well as hail, affect the predicted yield reduction, which threatens the economic viability and continued existence of agricultural products manufacturing companies.

Information source: Ministry of Agriculture