To develop agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors based on knowledge and sustainability in order to produce products of higher value for the local market and for export and to promote the availability of safe and high-quality food – this is the main goal set in the government action plan of the Ministry of Agriculture (MofA), which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday, January 16.
Minister of Agriculture Armands Krauze: “One of the main goals of the Ministry of Agriculture is measures to increase the sales of agricultural and food products, to increase the production and consumption of local products in the local market and export, in this regard, promoting the development of healthy eating habits for children already in childhood, promoting the use of fresh and healthy local products in the daily diet in educational institutions.”
In order for agricultural production sectors (agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food production) to continuously modernize along with the growth of technology and to be able to adapt without delay to changes in market demand, according to the government’s action plan, the Ministry of Agriculture will strengthen science-based modern, accessible and future-oriented lifelong learning, secondary professional and higher education in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food production.
It is no less important to finally introduce a fair compensation system for restrictions on economic activity, which has been revised and created with an efficient and sustainable management model of natural resources related to agriculture and forestry.
In the future, the Ministry of Agriculture will also pay great attention to reducing the administrative burden on entrepreneurs and citizens by making structural changes in the Ministry of Agriculture and subordinate institutions.
Information source: Ministry of Agriculture